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We love having you as our customer - that's why we're giving you up to 20% off your order!
No membership restrictions, just instant savings. Whenever you order $250 or more on, you can use promo code BENCH to get a 5% discount on that order, and the savings go up from there!
Order $250 or more: |
Receive 5% off your order with promo code BENCH |
Order $500 or more: |
Receive 10% off your order with promo code STUDIO |
Order $750 or more: |
Receive 15% off your order with promo code PRO |
Order $1000 or more: |
Receive 20% off your order! Use promo code PREMIUM |
Please note: The "spent" value is defined as your order subtotal. You can check your subtotal by checking your cart.