Diamond Coated Tools

Diamond coated tools are specially made to make removing small amounts of material and to refine edges. Used with Slick Lube or even water, keeping the bits cool will prolong their life. Excellent for carving stone or drilling holes in stone or glass. Diamond coated files also work wonders on metal edges.


If it's a diamond sawblade or flywheel you're looking for, you just need to click on the "Additional Diamond Coated Tools" link to find them! Be sure and look over our diamond bur sets. We have so many different types and sizes of burs. You can get them individually, in a 6 pack, 12, 20, and 24 piece set! Some sets even come with a nice caddy to keep them organized. And let's not forget our motorized bead reamers! We have cordless, re-chargeable reamers and reamer sets. Whatever you're looking for, we know we'll have it for you!

While visiting Jewelry Tools we'd love for you to see all we have to offer. For final touches on your jewelry projects head on over to our brush and buffer section. You'll want to be sure you can polish and clean your final product to make it shine bright. We have many different types of glues and adhesives and other supplies for your jewelry creations. Always remember, safety first! Swing by our safety glasses section to pick up a pair.

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